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Healing Waters Ministries, Inc. is the ministerial vision that God gave to Dr. Sharon L. Johnson in 1995. The ministry was incorporated in the state of Michigan on, November 10, 1998. It became an official 501(C)3 corporation, legally recognized by the United States Federal government, in May of 2003.


After much fasting and prayer, Dr. Johnson felt the leading of the Lord to answer the pastoral calling upon her life.  Healing Waters Ministries, Inc. officially opened its doors as a church on March 9, 2014.  Opening day services were held at the Heman Park Community Center in University City, MO, where over 200 saints and well-wishers were in attendance.  The guest speaker for this monumental occasion was the Honorable Suffragan Bishop Reuben K. Johnson, Pastor Sharon’s brother.


The church presently holds its Sunday afternoon services at the Community Center at 3:00 p.m.  Weekly Tuesday night Bible classes are held at 7:00 p.m. at the Brittany Woods Middle School.  The church services are designed to enrich the lives of everyone who comes into our doors.  For those who are seeking salvation, those who are hungering and thirsting for a true Word of God, or those who are in need of a caring church home - our purpose is to provide ministry to the “Total Man” through preaching, teaching, singing, counseling, outreach and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ!





Healing Waters Ministries, Inc. is dedicated to the proclamation and propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ as taught by the Lord and his Apostles. We are committed to seeking the lost, leading the sin-sick to Christ for salvation, healing those who are hurting and wounded, restoring those who have been downtrodden, and helping those who suffer and are in need.  We shall preach and teach the Word of God for the encouragement and strengthening of the brethren. We will be examples of light to a dark, dismal world by our practice of living a godly lifestyle that represents holiness and righteousness, one that is pleasing to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We will continue in our aim to make disciples of men and women who will be fit for the kingdom of God and prepared for his soon return.

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